Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter and Midnight Madness!

Okay, it's no secret. I love the Harry Potter books, all 7 of them, and all the movies. Doesn't every child wish they had magical powers? I have been looking forward to this latest movie for EVER! Rachel, Colby, Corey, Lindsey and I went to the midnight show (ok, so it was 12:05am) this morning. We did not take Peter because he hates HP and we did NOT want his negative vibes interferring with our movie going experience. It was so much crazy fun! The District, all 20 theaters, were completely full. The line up of cars just to get in to the parking lot was crazy, and we won't talk about the popcorn line! It's not something I would do for every movie, but once in a while it's fun to join in the excitement and anticipation of a big opening like this one. The nice thing about the District is advanced ticket purchase and seat reservations so you don't have to get there several hours in advance to get a great seat. I love that!

The movie did not disappoint, well except for one big fight scene they left out, but something had to was an extremely long book! All in all I think they did a great job. I will definitely see it again...and again...and wait anxiously for it to come out on DVD. Oh the anticipation is already building for the next movie....and then the finale. I can't wait!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Brittday! :)

21 Years of Brittany! This face says it all :)

Can you say trouble?
Bam Bam!

Cute Face!


Growing up...

Dancing Queen

Senior Pictures

One of her many silly faces

Brittany was the best baby you could ever hope for. When she cried it's because she wanted you to put her down and let her sleep! She was so sweet, and cute, and chubby. We called her Bam Bam because she was so strong. As a toddler we had a hard time keeping her clothes on. She liked to crawl around in the buff and pretend she was a kitty, or a dinosaur. She has always been a very tender hearted soul. She is the life of the party and can have fun in any situation. She started doing gymnastics when she was 6 years old and was very good at it. When she was 16 she switched to dance, and has never stopped dancing. She is an awesome and beautiful dancer. She is a gifted and talented photographer. She is smart, funny, and downright silly. She lives what she believes. Once, when she was in Jr. High, she went to a drive-in movie with a group of friends. When she got there she found out the movie was rated "R". Despite the peer pressure she called me and asked me to come and get her. I know she has been a good influence that way on her friends. She sticks to her principals and everyone knows it. She has had some tough things to deal with in her life, but she has remained happy, optimistic, and just makes the most out of life. She lives every day to the fullest. If you want to hang out with her, you practically have to make an appointment! :) She makes friends everywhere she goes, and her personality is infectuous. I love this girl! She is my daughter, but she is also one of my best friends! The world is a better place with her in it, and I know there are many lives out there that will be blessed by her touch. Watch out world!