Monday, April 19, 2010

I got nothing...

I hear from time to time where people get "bloggers block" and go for weeks without posting. I'm afraid it's my turn. Life has been somewhat uneventful of late, which I am not altogether ungrateful for, but it doesn't provide much material for blogging.

We are STILL trying to buy our house. It's going on 16 months now since we first made an offer. That has created quite a bit of stress. Yes, I know what you're thinking "give it up and find something else". Believe me, we have looked! And looked! And LOOKED! But there is something about this house that won't let us give up, and we haven't found anything we have liked even remotely as much. So, while this weekend was absolutely beautiful and lawn mowers and weed whackers were out in full force, I am still not able to do anything with my yard (or lack therof), or plant flowers, or any of those fun springtime activities. Boo hoo for me right? What person in their right mind would wish to be able to mow the lawn or pull weeds? Sadly, me. I love to work outside. I'd rather be out working in the yard than inside doing housework ANY time. But, it's not a total loss. I was able to skate and go for a bike ride instead! You who know me best know how much I love to rollerblade. Hurrah! Draper has jogging/bike trails winding throughout the city and it's great for skating. I felt like I was back in my element. And when I got home all hot and sweaty, boy was I grateful I didn't have to go out and mow the lawn! :)