It's also the sweatiest and most tiring place on earth, but it was worth it! :) Corey disappeared when we took this picture and we didn't realize it until after. That's the trouble with such a large group I guess.


Colby, Rachel and Pooh. Awe, how cute!

Four silly girls and Tigger! Lindsey, Robin, Jamie and Brittany.

Waiting for Beauty and the Beast....Corey and Lindsey are soaked through the bones. They got caught in a downpour while waiting in line.

On the monorail. One of MANY trips....

Colby, Rachel and Brittany at Magic Kingdom

Corey, Lindsey, Robin and Jamie

On the tea cups...I get nauseous just watching them.

Oh, Peter is so happy! He found Spongie in the airport on our way home.

Last Day in the Park. Rain Forest Cafe at Downtown Disney.
My most favorite thing about Disney World is experiencing a new ride for the first time, such as Expedition Everest and Dinosaur....and even more, watching my children experience a new ride for the first time. We got Corey and Lindsey to finally get over their fear of rollercoasters! Yay!
They had so much fun on Rock-n-roller coaster and Splash Mountain. We walked...and walked....and walked...until our feet were dying. But we had so much fun! What next??
P.S. For those of you with a Facebook account I have posted many more pictures there.