Monday, September 21, 2009

Pardon our Mess....

New House

Sorry I have been slacking on the blogging lately, but I have been an little overwhelmed by life the past couple of weeks as we have had to shift gears into moving mode. Being a former military wife and having moved seemingly a million times, I don't usually accumulate a lot of junk so moving is pretty easy for me. Not this time! Six years in one house, the longest I've ever lived in one house in my adult life, and a husband who had a houseful of furniture and "life" to add to my own, (not to mention that he can't throw anything away) has left me with so much to do I feel I'm drowning in a sea of "stuff"! After several trips to the new house it seems the task is never ending. Have we even made a dent in it? It's good to go through your house and see everything you have, get rid of stuff you don't need anymore (when Peter's not home so he can't see what I throw out ;)) donate things to charity, clean things long overdue for a touch up, and find things you forgot you even had! Except we still haven't found those long lost drill bits!! Packing, taping, lifting, knees are sore from all the stairs. Yes, we are getting movers to come for the furntiture on Friday, but I think that is the least of our belongings! And then there is the cleaning! It's hard to sit at work knowing I have to so much to do at home. It will be a crazy, busy couple more weeks ahead. will be good to be settled and get on with our lives together. A new adventure! I will post pics of the new house soon, when I get a breather.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Mission Call!

I think this pretty much says it all! :) Congrats Britt! We are so excited for you!