Friday, November 14, 2008

High School Football

Cottonwood is going to State!

Cottonwood VS Pine View

That cute little cheerleader at the top is my niece, Staci Jo. Today I took a few hours off work to go watch my alma-mater win the state semi-final game. I love to watch football! We came so close when I was going to Cottonwood too many years ago....but lost in the semi's. It was heart breaking. I try to avoid getting attached to any team for that reason....being a former Raiders fan, and Jazz fan....getting my little heart broken when they would come so close only to lose in the end. I can't take it! I will be truly bummed if Cottonwood doesn't win the final next Friday.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I will cross my fingers for Cottonwood to win! It's fun to see Staci Jo on the top of that pyramid:) Happy belated birthday!