Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas ...

Christmas always seems to bring back fond memories....
I remember how much I looked forward to the Christmas programs on T.V. My favorite one was Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer. That abominable snowman scared me every time! This of course was way back before you could just own it on DVD so you only got to see it once a year. I remember my dad putting the lights up on the house and how pretty they were. I loved to decorate the tree and my favorite part was hanging the icicle lights. I swear that even though I did NOT have to walk 10 miles to school in the snow, uphill both ways, the snow was a lot deeper when I was a kid than it is today. I loved to build igloos and make snow forts and snow angels. I remember the smell of new pajamas on Christmas Eve and worrying that elves were peeking in my windows to see if I was really asleep. One night I swear I heard sleigh bells :) I remember the reverence I felt listening to the story in the scriptures about the birth of the Savior and tried to imagine what it would have been like to be there.
I wonder what kind of memories my children will have of Christmas. We have been trying to focus more on the Savior this Christmas and in doing things for others. Friday night we went downtown to see the lights at Temple Square and do some shopping. Saturday we volunteered at a PetsMart to help the "No More Homeless Pets' shelter with a pet adoption. Today, Sunday, we spent the afternoon making white chocolate covered popcorn for our friends and neighbors, then went to my sisters house to do a big service project for a family in her neighborhood who has fallen on hard times. The kids had a blast at the pet store walking the dogs and holding the cats and love to doorbell ditch the neighbors while delivering the popcorn. We are helping with a sub for santa family in our ward and have several other projects lined up before Christmas. I hope that this Christmas the kids will remember how good it feels to bring a little joy in to the lives of others through small and simple things. Isn't that what life is all about, not just at Christmas, but every single day?

On the Trax......hungry......

Peter and Terry at Dinner (CPK, yum!)

Lindsey kitty-sitting

Robin and "Buddy"... he didn't want to go back in his cage. He was later adopted. Yay!

Darn...blurry....kitty moved. Corey loves kitties, and they love Corey.

My entire kitchen table covered in popcorn. Addicting stuff!


Kimberly said...

What great memories you are creating as a family!

michele84084 said...

Your popcorn is addicting. I say to myself, "Just one handful..." 10 handfuls later I have to make myself stop!