Thursday, January 15, 2009

I did it!

I finally finished something I started 28 years ago: my college degree. I am living proof it is never too late!
I have learned from painful experiences that life can change quickly, dramatically, and sometimes literally overnight. There is a scripture that says "if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear". A college education is one way to be prepared. Have you ever heard anyone say "gee, I wish I had NOT gone to college"?? I have to admit there are things I appreciated more having taken a 25 year break from school. I enjoyed learning more than I did when I was 19 and in my first year of college. My situation in life and in employment made it easier to understand the concepts that were taught because I had already experienced alot of them. I came to see the true value of teamwork and how my attitude and contribution could affect my team. I despised students who continually dropped the ball and did the very minimum they could do to pass the class. Didn't they care about their education? Didn't they want to learn? Some of them obviously did not, they just wanted that piece of paper. I had to learn to not let that bother me. One of my team members reminded me, "what do you call a Dr. with a C grade point average?".......Doctor! A scary thought. At any rate, that little nagging feeling that has been in the back of mind for 25 years is now gone. What next?


Jamie said...

Congrats Terry! What great news! What next? You should CELEBRATE :)

Traci said...

Congratulations Terry, That is great! Maybe one day I will go back

One and Jenny Taumoepeau said...

Way to go! You rock!

michele84084 said...

That is awesome!! I hope your celebrating with something way fun! (like plane tickets someplace warm....)

Debbie said...