Happy birthday Robin!
A Tribute from Daddy....
Oh the good times that await. Driving my car around, hanging out with my dad... the fun is endless!
Robin is an amazing daughter! She is kind, compassionate, loving, and is a great example to her family. She loves to read, play games, run on our treadmill, snowboard, swim, and skydive. She has a great sense of humor, and is always kidding me about my gray hairs. I am so proud, and so happy to have her as my daughter! These 16 years have been such a joy for me, and I am eagerly looking forward to the next 16! Robin has been to Canada, Mexico, Australia, and various states (CA a lot, FL a bit ). One of her most favorite places on earth ( and mine too) is Disney! She's been there more times than we can remember... and yes, we're headed to Florida's Disneyworld again this August! WooHoo!! Can ANYONE ever get tired of that place?? Don't think so!
Here's a great story which tells you the type of kid she is. Robin loves her cell phone and iPod. Well, within a span of 2 weeks, she had her iPod and 2 cell phones STOLEN! Yes. I was very mad. But, a few weeks later, she was in the girls bathroom, and guess what she saw on the counter.... but a cell phone. What did Robin do with this phone?? She returned it to the office so they could find its rightful owner! What a great thing to do... even after kids stole many of hers!
Another little know fact about Robin, is that she is deathly afraid of bee's.
Another short story, If I may indulge you...
One Saturday, we were just driving out of the parking lot of Smiths when Robin begins to scream hysterically. I quickly look around, thinking I’ve just run over a group of kids or something. But no. Nothing of the sort. Instead, there is a little bee sitting on her jeans. Again, she was screaming like it was the end of the world, desperately trying to squirm away from the bee that was quite happy to rest on her leg. I told her to swipe it off… but she could never do that with her hand! So, she quickly found my window visor, and used it to swipe the bee onto the seat. She then put the visor on top of the bee, and pressed down with all her might to squish it. She was too afraid to lift the visor… and so, just sat on it. Slowing squishing and suffocating the poor little bee. 20 minutes later, we finally arrive home. She gets out of the car, and then slowly lifts the visor up to see if the bee has finally met his demise. But surprise… there is no bee! We both start looking on the seat, on the floor, etc… but still, no bee. I then look outside at her… and point directly at her and say “ THERE IT IS! “. The bee is once again, on her jeans… looking no worst for wear! Again she grabs the visor… and swats it down… but again can’t find it on the ground ( is this the bee from Hell ?) Finally we locate it on the pavement, where she squishes it ( poor little bee) Quite a traumatic day. If she had been driving, we would all be dead.
Well, Happy Birthday Robin.
We all love you!

1 comment:
I have heard about her fear of bees, poor girl. It has been fun getting to know her in Young Women's.
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