Monday, February 1, 2010

14 Days of Valentines

Day One: I am one Lucky Girl!
I owe this idea to a friend, and she knows who she is. (Thanks K!) Fourteen days and fourteen ways to show your husband just how much he really means to you. They don't have to be expensive or elaborate, just simple ways to show you care. For day one I printed off a picture of us on our wedding day and slipped it in to his car with a card telling him what a lucky girl I am. (I really am.) Thirteen more days to go, and I am looking forward to each one. Feel free to use my idea (which I borrowed) and let the love fest begin! Sickeningly sweet you say? Too bad! I'm not asking for your approval. :)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Cute idea! I love Valentine's Day. It is fun to give little goodies to people.